Thursday, 19 March 2009

Aftermath: Jazz Snob: Eat Shit

Last sunday was the first ever Jazz Snob: Eat Shit at The Others in Stoke Newington. First on was a duo between Shabaka Hutchings (clarinet and bass clarinet) and Seb Rochford (drums), follow by my trio with Mark Holub (drums) and Chris Williams (alto sax).

I don't really want to get too into explaining how it went.. I'm not a reviewer! But below is the third track from our set, and there's also a link to our epic opening track that you can download for free!

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Terrordactyl @ Hulk Dash 8

I'm playing this show later this month with Tom from Agaskodo Teliverek/Gum takes tooth/Infants. Expect an onslaught of blast beats, noise, free jazz, and grindcore!